#1 Distance between Delhi to Shimla is around 350 km and travelling time is approximately 7 hours via NH5 and NH44. But a Car/Cab will take less than the usual time and also little amount as prices for Delhi to Shimla taxi service are slashed by almost 50%. And what is more amazing is that the service is now available for one-way-travel.
#2 Now no need to haggle with taxi operators for price or pulling all your contacts to find a low-fare taxi service as you can easily find and book a cheap taxi to Shimla and enjoy the journey and the ride in a hassle free and affordable manner. The stress of locating a best taxi services has become a quick job by our online taxi booking portal.
#3 Our website travel trip services blog is a platform where customers can find quick,cheap and Best taxi service. For Delhi to Shimla taxi booking, you need indicating your preference like day and time of journey and the cab/car size like SUV, sedan and hatchback. Enter the details on the website and allow us to find service matching with your needs. Soon you will get the cabs available for service. Choose your option and make booking.
#4 The booking will be confirmed with payment and you will get a notification regarding the booking. Everything will be hassle free and also you will get reliable service that will be according to your Delhi to Shimla cab booking. Now you can book a cheap cab for one-way-travel, round trip and local trip.Get more information please visit here: -